Miller County Health Center
Public Health: Better Health. Better Miller County.


WIC is a nutrition education, health promotion and supplemental food program meant to assist women, infants and children (under 5 years of age) who have nutritional needs.  Healthcare referrals, breastfeeding education and support, nutritious foods, and nutrition education are just a few of the services we are able to provide through the WIC program.  For more information, contact the Miller County Health Center or go to the Missouri WIC program Website:

Tuscumbia Clinic
Miller County Health Center
2125 Highway 52
Tuscumbia, MO 65082  

Office Hours:
Wednesday: 8:00AM- 4:30PM
Select hours also available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Call for more information

Need to schedule an appointment? Call our main office at (573)-369-2400

Eldon Satelite Clinic
Eldon Lake Regional Clinic
     Second Floor
416 S. Maple St
Eldon, MO 65026

Office Hours:
Monday: 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Iberia Satelite Clinic
Iberia Lake Regional Clinic
2333 Highway 17
​Iberia, Mo 65049

Office Hours:
3rd Thursday 8:00AM- 4:30PM

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.  View the full nondiscrimination statement at 

Osage Beach Satelite Clinic
Central Ozarks Medical Center
3810 Columbia Ave

Osage Beach, Mo 65065  

Office Hours:
1st/2nd/4th Tuesday 
8:00AM- 4:30PM